Designs for Life is a project which is exploring the process of visualisation of laboratory data relating to aspects of cell and gene research. Through a series of production collaborations and integrated public engagement the project aims to stimulate debate at the confluence of science and visual culture. The focus of the activity is the University of Dundee Visual Research Centre (VRC) where a group of research scientists from the University of Dundee Biocentre, who have expressed interest in the visualisation process, will develop new screen print outcomes based on images, data and information from their respective laboratory research. Regular public open days will facilitate dialogue and a scheduled education programme developed by Dundee City Council Arts and Heritage will introduce a new audience to images and information emerging from the laboratory and to aspects of process in the visualisation of such information. Each scientist will collaborate with artist printer Paul Harrison on selected days over a four week period in the publishing facility of the VRC. The activity will be documented and form the basis for an exhibition and symposium looking at the potential of visual practice within such process.